Resided in Water Mill, NY
left a message on September 4, 2022:
Ciao Philibert, ho appreso la notizia dell'incidente stradale e poi della tua morte tramite internet e poi tramite il tuo fratellastro Raoul Boisset. Nel mondo dei romani si dice che è caro agli Dei chi muore giovane. Il tuo nonno paterno, id est Giorgio Selmi, è morto giovane all'età di 36 anni e Dio ci chiama a sè quando Lui vuole e non noi. Sei stato su questa terra un figlio bravo ed obbediente, soprattutto nei riguardi di tua madre Claire. Ed a me
resta il tuo ricordo migliore. Ciao il tuo babbo Massimo
left a message on February 17, 2018:
Philibert was someone very special and he will be missed! he should have a long obituary because he had a life and people should acknowledge that! I loved Philibert and will never forget him! tried to reconnect but was pushed away from doing so! but he knows i love him forever and always! You suffered too much. hope you find some peace.
left a message on February 16, 2018:
Philibert was a person and he deserves to have a full obituary as many people who were pushed away from him LOVED HIM. I loved him and even though we din't see each other much, Philibert has a soul and was someone i cared about and others as well! I am very saddened by his departure and he suffered so much! If i had the money he would have a grandiose funeral. I love you Philibert, always did and always will. You were someone special who cared about little things in Life and you went through so much. Alone. I am sorry i lost track and was pushed away from you but I never forgot you and never will. May you find some peace flying wherever you are and nobody can hurt you anymore! I hug you from Earth. Spread your Beautiful smile above beautiful things. Your friend.
left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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